
The Tenth Parallel

This Sunday's NY Times book review section had an article and review of Eliza Griswold's, daughter of Frank, new book.  She writes about the interaction of Christian and Jews and does it really well.

Since I have lived in Sudan, she captures the relationships extremely well.  I recommend this book.

The 10th Parallel - Eliza Griswold  


Dispatches From the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam
By Eliza Griswold
317 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $27


Prayers for People

Lord, move us, move our wills and direct us by your Spirit.  Help us and your whole church to know when to pull down and when to rebuild; give us discernment and courage to do what you would have us do.  We pray for churches and communities caught up in constant change, for those who have become restless and cannot settle at all.  We pray for builders-up of communities and confidence, for our own pastors and leaders. 

We pray for all who seek to provide good housing and places of beauty, for city planners, architects and builders, for all who maintain parks and gardens.  We remember all who live in areas of poverty and deprivation, for all who lives are in danger through not having clean water or proper health care.  God bless all who give their lives in the building up of communities.

Lord, teach us to reverence the earth, to have respect and awe towards each other, to keep holy days,that we may be aware of you.  We pray for all who have been humiliated and have lost respect for themselves or others.  We ask you to make our homes places of light and love, of grace and goodness.

We remember all who live in fear through war, oppression or violence, all who have suffered from abuse or contempt.  We pray for all who have a poor opinion of themselves.  We ask your blessing upon all whose lives are darkened by crippling illness, all who are afraid to venture, all who are unable to venture.

We give thanks that you are the God who makes all things new, you heal and restore your people.

Lord, let your light shine upon us
and dispel our darkness.

These were the Prayers of the People at SsAM's, Sunday August 22, 2010.


Slipping into Simplicity

Each week I receive the email newsletter from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church.  A couple of weeks ago this article was included.  Since the theme of the upcoming Parish Life Day is Simplifying your life, I was intrigued.  After reading the article, I am not sure I am truly reading for this idea.

explorefaith.org - Slipping into Simplicity