
The Kingdom of God

Daily Meditation Minute by The Rev. James M. Bimbi

St. James Mill Creek Hundred

Friday, March 26, 2010 – 33rd Day of Lent

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed;

nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’

For, in fact the kingdom of God is among you.”

(Luke, Chapter 17, verse 20-21)

Much of what we experience in life can be held externally from ourselves. It happens around us but we don’t let it get too close. We speak of something that happened ‘back then’, or was once observed, or we’ve just read about in the newspaper. We insulate ourselves from any personal involvement or response. We can even go about our lives acting like nothing around us ever changes as we place our faith in our daily routines.

We can try this same approach with God, but it is folly to think that we can pull it off. God has planted Divine grace deep within ourselves and the people around us. God is in, and around, and through everything we see, and do, and think. Not that it is always easily felt or seen – but it is there, with the possibility of changing the smallest of events into life-changing moments.

God of each breath, may we know your closeness within us. Amen

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