We gather in prayer, offering our thanks to God whoe trnsforming love sets our herts on the pth to everlasting joy.
In thanksgiving for the peacemakers, especially Barack our President, who sow seeds of reconciliation throughout the world, and who waits with faithful patience for the harvest to appear.
We pray that we may embrace our children with God's unconditional love, and receive tfrom them the freshness of word and spirit that enlivens the community of faith.
That our seminaries may prosper as they begin a new year of forming priests, religious educators, missionaries, and evangelists.
That a spirit of simplicity may prevail throughout our culture, leading to changes in our use of financial resources, the purchase of goods and services, and a responsible use of natural resources.
That we may put aside actions that speak of evny and self ambition and embrace virtues that honor the presence of God in every person.
That the eternal Christ will welcome into the arms of his mercy all who have died unloved and un-mourned, without family and friends.
For this we pray.
Hear us, O Spirit of Truth.
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