
Countdown (Sorry Keith)

It is official. There is one month left in Sudan.

As my assignment goes, it has been well received, for which I am grateful.

The last person to be trained arrived last Saturday, The Rev. James, from Juba. He is the financial assistant in the Juba office of the Province.

With any countdown, the mind shifts to all it wants to accomplish within a finite period of time.

I am back to making lists:

Find a person to continue loving Rascal.

Find a way to get Sami and Graziella into the states.

Take pictures of Sadique, at the corner store.

Take pictures of Aragash, Sami, Graziella, the kids and their parents.

Get mailing address for presents to be sent from the states.

Start packing.

Get photos up on web.

Take big group pictures of everyone associated in and around the Cathedral.

Get more women's stories.

Start saying good-bye to people I will not see again before I leave. Get phone numbers and email addresses.

I believe that I cannot say good-bye.

There is a saying that once you taste from the water of the Nile, you will return to Sudan.

I believe this is true. I am planning to return Christmas of 2009. I have promised Tito and his family.

I will have to adapt the saying of "See You Soon", without tears.

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