
Making Lists

I'm back to making "to do" lists. I have not done this since my trip abroad in February.

History repeats.

But there are some differences.

I have already cleaned the house for my sister's visit.

Hire gardener, specifically to tend the gardens. Check

Hire lawn people. Check

Someone to stay in the house and tend the cats. Check

Transfer bills to on-line and arrange for direct debits. Check

Stop mail. Check

Stop newspaper. Check

Get airline tickets. Check

But there are some major outstanding items.

VISA - stuck in Washington.

Arrange for all my TV shows to be forwarded to Sudan. Dae Joyoung (Korean), Countdown, House, Comedy Central, LOST.

Buy cheap wedding ring at Kmart, leave all other rings home.

Visit Amy and pick up Solar Stove.

Arrange for Happy Harry's to open a store in Khartoum and Juba.

Arrange for Starbucks to open a store, with drive-thru, in Khartoum and Juba. Drive-thru will be perfect for Khartoum, not sure about Juba.

Arrange for Border's to open a store in Khartoum and Juba. I understand that English language books are hard to come by.

Need a Pan-Asian restaurant. I am not into the various ways of cooking goat or sheep and using all body parts.

Whiten teeth, dye hair, pamper feet, staple stomach.

Take everyone with me.

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